Services Offered

Our services are free of charge

  •  Policy advocacy on cross disease, AMR, Patient Safety, health, vulnerable equitable community welfare and social justice matters at Ntional, Regional and Global level
  • Patient support, education and awareness raising on health and human rights
  • Advocate for the establishment of one united, collective umbrella Patient voice in Africa at National and Regional level
  • Patient empowerment and engagement in order to amplify a harmonized Patient voice
  • Assisting and linking vulnerable communities dissatisfied with Public service offered to them to relevant accountability Institutions for redress
  • Ensure accountability, surveillance and monitoring of Public service delivery
  • Vulnerable community empowerment and enlightenment on social justice issues
  • Promote Local and International partnership, collaboration and networking in health, Governance, Community welfare and  social justice


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Executive Director-Kondwani Kuchelekana-+265998121742

Public Relations Manager-Amade Alide : +26599846859/888374760